Dear Dirty Dozen Team Member,

As a part of The Dirty Dozen Expedition’s family, your safety is always our highest priority both above and beneath the surface.

As we are in the business of expedition travel, we are committed to monitoring the current situation with COVID-19 along with the Global HQ at our umbrella company Blue O Two.

At this time we are working very closely together to track the most up to date official information, advice on travel and are receiving constant updates to ensure that your travel plans are as organized and safe as can be. Unless you hear from us directly about your trip, everything is going ahead as planned.

It is also important for us to be able to offer you as much flexibility as possible when planning your next trip with us.

Therefore, to further ease your worries in a time of uncertainty, our team and Blue O Two have now introduced some new rules so you still can book with us with total confidence.

These are the protection measures we have implemented on new bookings:

  1. If you make a new booking with us, between the 9th March to 30th April you can cancel your liveaboard space and receive a full refund*.

  2. From the 9th March, any new bookings will be refunded if you are unable to travel due to COVID-19**.

  3. For existing bookings, our standard terms and conditions with Blue O Two still apply, with some exceptions caused by the outbreak of the COVID-19***

Please read the TC’s at the bottom of this email for further clarification.


To be honest, nothing beats the feeling of heading out to a remote destination, putting on your rebreather and exploring the wonders below the surface. We can't think of anything better than to be far inside a wreck, surrounded by hammerheads, or off the grid completely enjoying a sunset. We understand that you, our customers, are already willing to adventure to some of the more remote corners of the planet and have a common-sense approach to traveling responsibly.

In line with the current, ongoing situation with COVID-19, I would like to share with you some of the steps we are taking onboard, and how you can protect yourself best while on our expeditions.

What you can do:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

  • Stay home when you are sick.

  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

What we are doing onboard:

  • We have installed alcohol gel hand cleaning dispensers on our vessels.

  • Where possible, we have increased our supplies of sanitizer bottles, tissues and alcohol-based hand wipes onboard.

  • We have trained our crew on the importance of cleaning and disinfecting all common points of contact.

  • Where possible we will isolate suspected infected personnel away from the contact with all other guests.

  • If there is a suspected infection on-board, the trip will be terminated immediately and medical authorities notified.

I have added a link to an FAQ page with further information which you can click on the button below.


At the Dirty Dozen, our ethos is making sure every trip we execute is nothing short of a trip of a lifetime. I want you to know you can continue to rely on us to do our utmost best to protect you where we can, and we look forward to all the great expeditions this year.

Feel free to email me personally on should you have any further questions.

Talk soon and be well.


Aron Arngrimsson

Protection Measures Terms and Conditions

* Cancellation and refund policy: NEW bookings taken between 9th March until 30th April 2020. You can cancel the liveaboard segment of your booking, without any penalty and receive a full refund. Cancellations apply only to the fleet liveaboard segment of your booking only and no third party supplies. Notification of cancellation must be received by 30/04/2020 for these terms to apply. Any cancellation notifications after this time will be subject to standard terms & conditions.

** Corona Clause': NEW bookings taken from 9th March 2020. Any new booking placed will be refunded or moved to a later date if you cannot travel due to Covid-19. For this to be applicable, one of the following must apply: You have contracted the virus and can provide medical evidence to support this OR Your final destination country prevents you from entering due to their governmental guidelines and restrictions on your country of residence OR Your country of residence prevents you from departing due to their governmental guidelines and restrictions on the embarkation point for the liveaboard If any of the above does not apply, it is your responsibility to get yourself to the point of embarkation. The 'Corona Clause' can be removed at any time.

*** Existing bookings will remain subject to agreed terms and conditions, with the exception of certain cases. These include if a customer has contracted the virus and can provide medical evidence to support this. If their final destination country prevents them from entering - due to their governmental guidelines and restrictions. Their country of origin prevents you from departing - due to their governmental guidelines and restrictions. In this instance, Blue O Two will honor the monies paid to them and move the booking to a later date.