Dive With 007's Doppelgänger

Dirty Dozen Special Guest diver and James Bond's new stuntman, Andy Torbet, will be joining us on our January 2022 expedition to Truk Lagoon. We caught up with Andy to chat about all things wreck and exploration.


You’re known as an adventurer and explorer, both on land and underwater. Was diving an extension of your drive to explore or did it prompt it?

That’s a good question, but hard to answer. I think I always wanted to be a diver, even from the age of 3. According to my mother, I would practice swimming across the living room carpet from a very young age.

I would say that the instinct to explore started early. It’s instinctive to human nature, this need to figure out what’s behind this rock or that bend. When we’re younger that instinct is strong but as we get older and gain more responsibilities, the desire to explore drops away somewhat for many people.

James Bond stunt man and diver Andy Torbet

And when did you first start diving?

When I was 12 I joined my local BSAC club in Aberdeen. At the time you weren’t allowed to start diving until 14. So for two years, I went out on trips in and around Aberdeen as a snorkeller. When I did start diving, on some of my first dives I had a badly fitted wetsuit and was coming out of the dives with blue nails and blue lips!

Apart from Truk Lagoon, any bucket-list dive destinations or explorations you’re keen to complete?

There are so many… Bikini Atoll, Galapagos, I’ve haven’t dived in the cenotes in Mexico yet. Beyond that, there are still unexplored cave systems in India, Papua New Guinea, and Madagascar.

You’re a Special Guest diver for Dirty Dozen’s January 2022 trip to Truk. This is a recreational trip, so do you think you might don a single tank for a few of the dives?

I’ll dive with a single tank for the entire trip. It would be a bit strange and too different if I’m rebreather diving and the other divers are on singles. One of the points of this trip is to open Truk up to recreational divers, there’s a lot of tech in Truk but with most of the wrecks within recreational depths, there’s no reason why everyone can’t experience the diving there.


DD: And when was your last single-tank dive?

Years and years ago. 95% of the time I’m on CCR, and the other 5% I’m on OC tech for when space is tight in caves and so on.

There’s a lot to be said for single-tank diving, throw the tank on your back and jump in. Almost like spa-retreat diving. I’m looking forward to it.

So, not everyone can say they really are Action Man, but you voiced the character, what was that experience like?

It was really good fun. The film was created for the Action Man toy’s 50th anniversary and was made using stop-motion animation. The BBC called me up to offer me the voice role and I was happy to take it. My brother and I always had Action Man when we were kids so it was a great opportunity.


DD: And you have kids yourself, Andy?

Yes, I have a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old. The 4-year-old has seen it already and when the youngest is a bit older we’ll show it to him, too.

We understand that you’ve moved on to being a different kind of action hero, this time as James Bond’s stunt double. Without giving away too much, were there any challenges in this position as hard as those faced on deep exploration dives?

They are two very different scenarios. During filming, we’re working together as a large team with dedicated stunt coordinators and it’s a real team effort. With diving, the team is generally small and for the most part you need to be responsible for your own safety.

What’s your all-time favorite wreck dive, out of those you’ve done so far?

The Brittanic, the Titanic’s sister ship was good. It’s 120m deep, so not too far down, and the wreck is in great condition. I dived that as part of a BBC film.

But there were some wrecks I discovered in the English Channel which had never been dived before, merchant and fishing vessels. It’s different because people had been on the Brittanic before but these wrecks in the Channel, we were the first people there.

DD: How was the vis in the Channel?

Terrible. At 70 m deep it was pitch black. It was myself and a cameraman so with the light from the camera we were getting maybe 2m visibility.

And if you had to choose between cave diving and wreck diving, which would you go for?

Whichever was undiscovered. So it could be a virgin cave for a virgin wreck. A lot of the time there’s historical significance in sites, which is a consideration as well. Ah, it’s really an impossible question to answer because there are so many factors that make a dive worth doing.


Most memorable diving experience to date?

Tough question… Three friends and I went to dive off the coast of Yonaguni island to see the sunken Yonaguni Monument — a structure that most people think is manmade but is completely natural. I think what made it so good was that we were three best friends on the same job with no other divers in the water, and we were just having a ball.

There was a ripping current and we were hanging on in places. Lots of fun.

And finally, a burning question... Yourself and Aron collaborated during Monty Halls’ Dive Mysteries in Egypt and Janne Suhonen’s Dive Odyssey in Finland, is he a good buddy?

Yes. What you need in a dive buddy is the knowledge that they are capable of doing the dive that needs to be done. Like myself, Aron has a broad range of experience, not just cave or wreck, but a real mixture, all those skills are useful in varied situations. He’s also open and upfront about any concerns he has before a dive. As a dive buddy, he’s spot-on.

Want to Dive With 007's Doppelgänger?

This is your chance. Andy will be joining our January 2022 recreational expedition to Truk Lagoon. We still have a few spots left but are filling up quickly. Get in touch with us to get onboard!

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Why Truk and Bikini Are Very Different Locations


A misconception I encounter on a regular basis is that wreck diving in Truk Lagoon and Bikini Atoll is essentially the same. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Of course, there are some similarities: both locations are wreck diving meccas, and both are located in the Pacific — albeit 1,563 km apart (a mere drop in the ocean in Pacific terms but another matter entirely when it comes to boat travel).

Besides those basic shared qualities, the ways in which these destinations differ are varied and encompass history, politics, diving depths, required diver skill levels, the type of wrecks, and more.

Let’s take a closer look at some of those differences.

Operation Hailstone, 17-18 February 1944

Operation Hailstone, 17-18 February 1944

Operation Crossroads, 1-25 July 1946

Operation Crossroads, 1-25 July 1946

Operation Hailstone vs Operation Crossroads

A key reason why people equate Truk to Bikini and vice versa is that both have a US military operation attached to their names and histories. 

But while Operation Hailstone in Truk Lagoon was an instance of naval and military warfare, Operation Crossroads in Bikini Atoll was a controlled test of nuclear weapons. 


Operation Hailstone

On the 17th of February 1944, US forces let loose on Truk, then the largest Japanese naval base in the entire Pacific. Having discovered the base during a reconnaissance flight, the US was eager to exert its power and gain control of the lagoon. 

It’s important to situate these actions within the wider context of what was a Pacific theatre showdown between the US and Japan. Three years earlier, on December 7th 1941, Japanese forces carried out an attack on Pearl Harbour, a US naval base near Hawaii, and prompted America’s entry into WWII.

For this reason, many historians call Operation Hailstone the US’s answer to Pearl Harbour.


Operation Crossroads

In contrast to Operation Hailstone, Operation Crossroads in Bikini Atoll was an example of the US flexing and demonstrating its nuclear muscle on the world stage, as evidenced by the invite extended to global media, including nations once considered hostile. Furthermore, having atomic bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, with little knowledge of the prolonged effects of atom bombs, the US reasoned testing was necessary.

The first Operation Crossroads test was carried out on in July 1946, after the war had officially ended. The decision to irradiate Bikini Atoll and parts of the Marshall Islands was, according to President Truman, “to determine the effect of atomic bombs on American warships.” Truman further stated these tests were for “the good of mankind and to end all world wars.”

The Able and Baker bomb blasts were not so good for the Bikini Islanders, however, who were forced to leave their homes. The interior of Bikini Atoll today still holds radioactive soil and is no longer suitable to live on.

What Do These Differences Mean for Divers?

The major differences between the two military operations mean that diving in each location is unique. One obvious and notable point is that Truk Lagoon was shelled during the war.

A memorial plaque for almost 1000 people lost on the Aikoku Maru in Truk Lagoon, Micronesia.

A memorial plaque for almost 1000 people lost on the Aikoku Maru in Truk Lagoon, Micronesia.

Truk Lagoon is a military graveyard

Over two days US forces attacked Truk Lagoon during Operation Hailstone. More than 50 vessels and 250 aircraft were destroyed. While estimations of the number of human casualties vary, it is believed that between 4,500 and 5,000 people were killed during the attack.

This makes Truk Lagoon a mass military grave and an area that must be dived with full respect. During Dirty Dozen trips, we make it clear that touching objects, disturbing the wreckage, removing items, or otherwise acting disrespectfully is not OK. 

Merchant Vessel hold in Truk Lagoon

Merchant Vessel hold in Truk Lagoon

6” Guns on USS Saratoga, Bikini Atoll

6” Guns on USS Saratoga, Bikini Atoll

Merchant vessels and dedicated military ships

Truk Lagoon’s “lost ships” are mostly merchant vessels. Because the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) knew Truk was becoming less of a viable base and had prior suspicion an attack was coming, it decided to start moving key warships out of the lagoon. 

Many of the anchorages in Truk were repair hubs, places where IJN ships could stop and get necessary fixes. Some dedicated military ships fell victim to Hailstone but most of the wrecks in the lagoon today are merchant vessels or re-purposed cargo ships. We can imagine the division here as roughly 90% merchant and 10% naval vessels.

In contrast, the wrecks in Bikini Atoll are predominantly dedicated famous navy vessels. Only one, the USS Carlisle is a merchant ship. The Saratoga, for example, spent her entire career in military service before being blown up as a test subject during Operation Crossroads. Bikini Atoll is home to destroyers, battleships, and aircraft carriers — ships that require a different kind of wreck diving.

Telegraph on Kiyosumi Maru, Truk Lagoon

Telegraph on Kiyosumi Maru, Truk Lagoon

Rice bowls inside JN Nagato, Bikini Atoll

Rice bowls inside JN Nagato, Bikini Atoll

Rec or tech?

Another misconception about diving in Bikini Atoll and Truk Lagoon is that both are deep, technical diving locations. In fact, with many of the wrecks in Truk Lagoon resting at depths of 40 meters or shallower, Truk is more than suitable for recreational divers.

That said, deep exploration diving in Truk Lagoon is also popular, and there are plenty of wrecks past 40 meters. Because there are so many options, we run dedicated trips to Truk Lagoon for our CCR, open-circuit tech, and recreational divers. 

Dephts of the merchant vessels in Truk Lagoon. Graphic by Martin Cridge

Dephts of the merchant vessels in Truk Lagoon. Graphic by Martin Cridge

The average depth of the wrecks in Truk Lagoon is between 25 to 35 meters while in Bikini Atoll, divers need to be comfortable at 45 to 50 meters and be properly licensed and trained to dive at this depth. On Dirty Dozen Expeditions to Bikini, we ask that all divers are Normoxic Trimix or CCR certified at a minimum.

Wreck orientations and navigation

An additional reason why divers in Bikini need to be highly advanced and knowledgeable is that the wrecks are simply harder to dive. I mentioned before that the vessels in the atoll are, with the exception of one, dedicated military ships.

Unlike the roomier merchant vessels in Truk with their spacious holds and ample engine rooms, the battleships and destroyers in Bikini are a different beast altogether. The narrow corridors, tight spaces, greater depth, and sheer size of these ships require advanced wreck penetration skills. 

USS Saratoga Damaged.jpg

Let’s take the Saratoga, one of Bikini’s most famous wreck dives, as an example. Consider the depth and the enormity of the wreck (a whopping 40,000 tonnes) and you start to get an idea of what I mean when I say these ships are harder to dive on. I often liken penetrating the Saratoga to walking into an abandoned shopping mall with the lights off. Multiple rooms, levels, and turns make navigation difficult. Then there’s the silt, 1000 times finer than sand and thick, the slightest movement disturbs it and clouds whole areas completely.


At least the Saratoga is upright, all the battleships in Bikini Atoll are turtled (upside down). An orientation that always equates to harder dive planning.

Battleship IJN Nagato in Bikini Atoll.

Battleship IJN Nagato in Bikini Atoll.

12” Guns lurking out from the turtled battleship USS Arkansas, Bikini Atoll.

12” Guns lurking out from the turtled battleship USS Arkansas, Bikini Atoll.

In contrast, most of the ships in Truk Lagoon rest on the bottom at comfortable angles for divers and offer much easier and safer penetrations. Even beginner wreck divers can test their new-found skills here; the routes are well-known and pre-tested.

17Hoki Maru Kingmast.jpg

Time and Money matters

An expedition to Bikini Atoll can cost around twice the amount as an expedition to Truk Lagoon. 

1988-oct Kwaj.jpg

Operational logistics in the Marshall Islands are difficult — the area is still an acting US military base. Plus, despite the two destinations being relatively close to each other (in Pacific terms, at least) travel time to Bikini Atoll is far longer than to Truk, we face a 26-hour sail to Bikini before we can even start diving.

I also wonder whether the popularity of Truk, precipitated by Costeau’s ‘The Lagoon of Lost Ships,’ also contributes to the lower expedition costs. The government of The Federated States of Micronesia seems to have responded to demand and made tourism viable. In Bikini, we still get searched by the military upon arrival!

These are some of the key differences between Truk Lagoon and Bikini Atoll, differences that make diving in each an entirely unique adventure. One destination is not better than the other, but each diver should decide with suits them best. 


Learn more about diving in Truk Lagoon and Bikini Atoll

Aron is confirmed at the following dive shows giving presentations on the topics covered in this article in-depth.


Nov 12 -15, 2019 

Friday 15th, 1:30 pm — Tech Stage


GUE Cave & Wreck Night, NETHERLANDS
Jan 17, 2020 

boot Düsseldorf, GERMANY

Jan 18 - 26, 2020 


Cavoria 2020, SARDINIA

June 15 - 25, 2020 





In 1807 the Irish sailor Patrick Watkins became the first known inhabitant of the Galapagos Islands. Abandoned on Floreana, Patrick was left to fend for himself, growing vegetables and hunting to sell his goods to passing whalers and boat crews in exchange for rum and cash.

Imagine what he saw as he sat on Floreana alone. 


Giant tortoises, hundreds of years old, swarms of sharks hundreds thick in the waters that surrounded him, marine iguanas grazing on algae, and fur seals lining the rocky coves. Meanwhile, the land is blanketed in thick forest and the island is perched on an active volcanic plate.


Pat was on a true Jurassic adventure, with the dinosaurs to prove it.

Nowadays, pulling into Pat’s landing on Floreana, little has changed. The wildlife remains as intriguing as it was when Charles Darwin first started describing it in the mid 18th century and the islands retain their wild, final frontier feel.

Straddling the equator and spread out over 45,000 km2  (17,000 sq miles) the Galapagos is home to some of the planet’s remotest dive sites including Darwin’s Arch and Wolf Island. 

For years, most of the diving here was restricted to recreational trips only.


Now, the Dirty Dozen Expeditions is proud to announce dedicated OC technical and CCR diving trips to the Galapagos Archipelago. 

Not a tech diver? No problem, we’ve also organised a recreational expedition. 

Like all of our trips, each exploration will be made with a special guest diver aboard our luxury vessel.


Widely regarded as the best diving on the planet, the Galapagos Islands is a rare location where sharks, whale sharks, iguana, rays, sea turtles, seals and more can all be seen on a single dive.

Here are our dates (so you can start booking time off work)


*Note that places on these explorations are limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Join us as we follow in Patrick and Darwin’s footsteps on our own Jurassic adventure. 

For more info or to make a reservation, please get in touch with us today at info@thedirtydozen.org.

How to Pack for Truk Lagoon or Bikini Atoll

     How to Pack for Truk Lagoon or Bikini Atoll

It’s no secret, technical diving is gear-intensive and if you’re packing for Truk Lagoon or Bikini Atoll — some of the remotest diving destinations in the world — you want to have all your essentials with you. Add a sophisticated underwater camera setup and a closed-circuit rebreather, and you have a recipe for sleepless nights wondering just how much you can stretch the bounds of your luggage allowance.



As an alliance brand with Blue O Two, we are able to offer trips outside of our current itineraries on 17 boats in 15 Destinations.

In addition to DEMA, our September Special Offers are almost here.

Next week marks a new month, and a new set of specials for our valued partners.

Our September Special Offers will include 20% off the following:

The Bahamas - selected sailings in October & December 2019
Galapagos - selected sailings in November 2019
Maldives - selected sailings in October 2019
Solomon Islands - selected sailings in November 2019
Papua New Guinea - selected sailings in December 2019
Philippines - selected sailings in September & December 2019
Palau - selected sailings in December 2019

BO2 Special Offer.png

Palau is the partner alliance Destination of the Month for September 2019.

Savings of 20% off on all S/Y Palau Siren departures in 2020 will be available to book from Monday 2nd September 2019 onwards.

To top it off, Shark Week returns to Discovery this weekend.

To mark the occasion, we're increasing our existing French Polynesia special offers from 20% off to 30% off as of Sunday, when Shark Week officially launches.

This discount is valid on all M/V French Polynesia Master departures between January and May 2020.

Email us on info@thedirtydozen.org to inquire about dates in your destination of choice.

Greetings from Finland


Divers of The Dark members Antti Apunen and Laura Tuominen this morning after doing photogrammetry at the Russian submarine Sch-306, lying in the exact middle of the Gulf of Finland at 75 meters. Antti complies with the Dirty Dozen team rules of clothing, but Laura decided to stay pink. Please note the anesthesiologist description on the shirt, that says it all. Where have you worn your Dirty Dozen shirt! Post in the comments below or send us a photo!

#thedirtydozenexpeditions #truklagoon #bikiniatoll #myanmar#teamdd #blueotwo