💣The first special guest announcement of 2021!


Dear Team Member,

I hope this message finds you all healthy and well. Team DD has been getting into the first working week of the year and boy, do we have some news to share with you.



As some of you might have noticed, aside from working alongside special guests for our itineraries, we have also started working with training organizations and manufacturers.

This is to further extend our portfolio of services to our clients. Rebreather divers for example love their units in the same way muscle car owners stick to their brand. Diving together as a team also allows for superior unit support.

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In short, we figured it would be a really fun experience for divers of the same brand/unit to get together on a themed expedition with the team behind the unit and share the adventure together while learning from each other. We already have an expedition with Nick Hollis from Hollis Rebreathers scheduled for October 2021 to Truk Lagoon and Andy Adams from SF2 Rebreathers in Truk in 2022.

During the 2020 BOOT show in Germany, Jakub from Divesoft and I sat down and started chatting about taking Divesoft to either Truk Lagoon or Bikini Atoll, and as of today, our 3rd manufacturer trip - The Divesoft Expedition to Bikini Atoll is a reality.

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This pilot expedition for Divesoft is going to be for Liberty Instructors and Instructor Trainers. Are you a Divesoft Liberty diver and want to join? Not to worry, we are in the planning stages for another great expedition for Divesoft Liberty Divers which we will release the dates of ASAP. Stay tuned on Divesoft and Dirty Dozen socials for more updates and let us know if you want your name put down.

Cannot wait for announcements? Check out the segment we did on Divesoft’s show DIVETALKS about Truk and Bikini - which can be found HERE.


Yearning to go to Bikini Atoll before 2023? Not to worry, we have plenty of dates left in 2022, and if your lucky maybe an open space this year. EMAIL us to find out more.

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That pretty much sums it up from us this week. Plenty of announcements, news, and exciting developments coming up, but better to start the year off slowly. Now, if you have not cleaned up after the New Years’ party yet, it’s probably a good idea before it looks like this hold in Truk.


Finally, we look forward to some great adventures with you in the years to come and as always, don’t forget, if you are feeling lonely, then we are here to chat Dirty.


Aron Arngrímsson and the DDE Team